If You Fail Geometry Can You Take It Again the Next Semester

Important dates

Add/driblet deadline five:00 pm Fri Jan 21
Exam I 7:15 pm Monday Feb 14
Spring Pause Mar xiv–18
Test 2 cancelled due to a tornado alert
Exam III seven:xv pm Monday Apr 11
Q-drop deadline five:00 pm Tue Apr 19
Comprehensive vi:00 pm Fri Apr 29

Your info: my206.

Course Core Objectives

At the end of the semester a student is expected to master the following core objectives:

  • Critical Thinking: the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated past, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication.
  • Communication: to include effective development and estimation and expression of ideas through written, oral, and visual advice
  • Empirical and Quantitative Skills: to include the manipulation and analysis of numerical data or appreciable facts resulting in informed conclusions
  • Teamwork: to include the ability to consider different points of view and to work finer with others to support a shared purpose or goal

Course overview

Physics 206, Newtonian Mechanics for Engineering science and Science, is the commencement semester of a 2-semester sequence in introductory physics, intended to introduce students to the basic principles of Newtonian mechanics and harmonic motion. We volition embrace topics in mechanics, Newton'due south Laws, the concepts of energy and work, conservation of energy and momentum, rotational motion, gravity, harmonic motion and waves. This corresponds to chapters ane–xi, xiii and xiv of Young and Freedman'south University Physics. The class is taught with pre-lectures, lectures, recitations and in-class particpation. The pre-lectures present the core concepts prior to class and allows more time for problem-solving strategies in class as compared to traditional lectures. The recitation is meant to practice problem-solving and to sharpen your reasoning virtually physics in a smaller course-size setting than the main lecture (which will have close to 150 students in it). The material is presented at a level that requires signficant algebra and trigonometry, equally well as some bones calculus.

Upon successfully completing this course, you volition have come to understand the bones principles governing the movement of objects, learned to think more critically/scientifically, and developed the skills needed to set on difficult problems. These are all skills that will serve you lot strongly in your futurity courses and careers, even if you never again consider a block sliding down an incline.

Course Schedule

The weekly class schedule gives an outline of the grade, but is past no means definitive; bank check with your professor for a more complete schedule of your specific sections. Your online homework and pre-lecture assignments are listed in Mastering; the homework volition generally be a chapter a week, while the pre-lectures will probable be due closer to your class (due dates will depend on your department/instructor). These assignments may be adjusted as the semester progresses to accomodate the step of the form, so you should refer back to these calendars often to make sure you don't miss a deadline or extension. Information about the format of the recitations besides as problem sets used by your recitation leader may exist found here: recitations.shtml.


Name Sections Lectures Syllabus Email
Eusebi 207–212 MPHY 205 TR 9:35 am 10:fifty am
Kocharovsky 537–542 MPHY 204 MWF 11:30 am 12:twenty pm syllabus-kocharovsky-2022A.pdf
Mahapatra 543–548 MPHY 203 MW 4:10 pm five:25 pm
Kocharovsky 549–554 MPHY 204 MWF 3:00 pm 3:l pm syllabus-kocharovsky-2022A.pdf
Mahapatra 555–560 MPHY 204 MW 5:45 pm seven:00 pm
Xu 561–566 MPHY 205 TR viii:00 am 9:xv am syllabus-xu-2022A.pdf
Kaya 567–572 MPHY 204 MWF 9:ten am x:00 am syllabus-kaya-2022A.pdf
Kaya 573–578 MPHY 203 MWF eight:00 am 8:50 am syllabus-kaya-2022A.pdf
Sun 579–584 MPHY 203 TR 12:45 pm 2:00 pm syllabus-sun-2022A.pdf
Ko 585–590 MPHY 205 TR five:30 pm 6:45 pm syllabus-ko-2022A.pdf
Elezaby 591–596 MPHY 205 MWF 1:fifty pm 2:40 pm syllabus-elezaby-2022A.pdf


  • §207–212 | MPHY 205
  • TR  nine:35 am–ten:50 am
  • §537–542 | MPHY 204
  • MWF  11:30 am–12:twenty pm
  • syllabus (pdf)
  • §543–548 | MPHY 203
  • MW  4:10 pm–5:25 pm
  • §549–554 | MPHY 204
  • MWF  3:00 pm–3:50 pm
  • syllabus (pdf)
  • §555–560 | MPHY 204
  • MW  5:45 pm–7:00 pm
  • §561–566 | MPHY 205
  • TR  viii:00 am–nine:fifteen am
  • syllabus (pdf)
  • §567–572 | MPHY 204
  • MWF  nine:10 am–x:00 am
  • syllabus (pdf)
  • §573–578 | MPHY 203
  • MWF  viii:00 am–8:50 am
  • syllabus (pdf)
  • §579–584 | MPHY 203
  • TR  12:45 pm–2:00 pm
  • syllabus (pdf)
  • §585–590 | MPHY 205
  • TR  5:30 pm–6:45 pm
  • syllabus (pdf)
  • §591–596 | MPHY 205
  • MWF  one:50 pm–two:forty pm
  • syllabus (pdf)


Form Components

Pre-requisites Pre-requisites

A grade of C or improve in MATH 151 "Engineering Mathematics I" or MATH 171 "Analytic Geometry and Calculus" or equivalent. You are expected to have a working cognition of plane geometry, trigonometry, and algebra. This course is calculus-based, so some familiarity of calculus is besides assumed. Yous may check your preparedness in math by trying these brusque quizzes. As the semester progresses you lot volition besides be expected to have a working knowledge of derivatives and integrals, and be practiced in the utilize of vectors (component decomposition, addition, subtraction, dot and cantankerous products).

Math training Math preparation

Although non "required," nosotros highly recommend that you check your math skills by taking these simple quizzes. If you're non prepared enough in math and don't find them elementary, and then you will exist at an immediate disadvantage in this course; it is far too piece of cake to autumn behind in this fast-paced class, even if y'all're already strong in math.

Learning objectives Learning objectives

MyLab & Mastering (homework and pre-lectures) MyLab & Mastering (homework and pre-lectures)

Recitations Recitations

iClicker (participation) iClicker (participation)

Grade Evaluation

Exams fourscore% (all sections)

As listed on the class schedule, in that location are 3 common midterms on the evenings of Mon February 14th, Monday Mar 21st, and Mon Apr 11th. In addition, we will be having a mutual comprehensive examination covering all of the cloth in the grade on Apr 29th, the Fri before classes end. All exams will be in person and are multiple selection. Exams are graded in terms of learning objectives. The complete list of learning objectives that a student is expected to master at the end of the semester is posted at mechanics.physics.tamu.edu/los.html. In the cease, the concluding overall exam grade will be based on the fraction of learning objectives accomplished. Whatsoever LO with a passing course in the comprehensive exam volition trump the results for that LO from the 3 midterms. Notwithstanding, if a LO is non passed in the comprehensive exam, information technology will count but like other midterms in the cumulative passing criteria.

Online homework v% (3% for honour sections)

Submitted and graded using MyLab & Mastering.

Recitations five% (all sections)

The course for recitations is based on participation. See this page for more than information. Nosotros strongly suggest you exist an agile learner and actively participate in the discussions of these smaller course-sized recitations.

Pre-lectures five% (3% for laurels sections)

This course uses the pre-lecture videos and follow-up assignments from within Pearson's MyLab & Mastering. The online videos are meant to introduce y'all to upcoming concepts, and follow upward with brusque conceptual questions to appraise how well you grasped the core physics concepts.

i>clickers 5% (3% for award sections)

A personal response arrangement used for in-class participation and/or quizzes.

Honours assignments half dozen% (honours only)

Just applicable to sections 213–218. The instructor will provide details in class.

Resources available to you lot

Course strategies: A link to (Dr. Melconian's) advice yous may find useful …?
Office hours: Hopefully all of you lot feel comfortable taking advantage of your professor'southward office hours if you have any questions.
Supplemental Didactics: The Academic Success Center at TAMU volition be providing free weekly supplemental teaching led by a student who recently completed (and did well in!) PHYS 206. Quoting a pamphlet about this plan: SI is a plan in place to help students succeed in historically difficult courses (no, this isn't an "like shooting fish in a barrel A" course). It has been proven that students who regularly attend SI sessions score 1/two to a full letter grade better in the course.
Information regarding this yr's SI leader and sessions volition be posted here one time the schedule has been finalized.
Recitations: Your teaching assistant (TA) should be an invaluable resource for you! Go to recitations armed with questions (just like y'all should come up to the lectures!) and get the TA to aid clear upwardly any misconceptions or difficulties you lot may accept. Another person explaining another mode (and also who was more recently in your shoes) may resonate ameliorate with you; this is, afterwards all, the whole bespeak of the recitations.
The Assistance Desk: The Physics Help Desk-bound, typically located in MPHY 103 in the the anteroom of the first flooring starting the 2nd week of the term. It is open from 9am to 4pm Monday through Thurs, and 9am to noon on Fridays. The Help Desk is staffed by physics graduate students knowledgeable in mechanics who tin help if you lot are stuck solving the homework or on a particular concept. No engagement is necessary.

Mechanics Scholars Competition

Unfortunately, due to the ongoing pandemic, information technology is unclear nonetheless whether the Mechanics Scholars Competition volition exist held this semester. If non, those enrolled in PHYS 206 may take it next fourth dimension it is offered. This folio will be updated as soon as there is any more than information.

Further data

Math readiness: link to some simple quizzes to test how prepared you are in math.
Custom pre-lectures: videos we made to supplement the ones you usually exercise. Nosotros cannot embed them in Mastering, and then these are not worth points; simply you may find them useful. They follow Prof. Melconian's lecture notes very closely.
Formula sheets: link to the formula sheets that will be provided to you lot for each midterm and the comprehensive exam.
Previous exams: link to the exams from PHYS 206 last twelvemonth (with answer keys). Notation that this course adopts a mutual midterm exam policy: all sections of PHYS 206 will write the aforementioned midterms at the same time; your professor is only one of a number of faculty that will be contributing issues to the midterms.
Academic calendar: link to the Registrar's academic agenda. Includes important dates, holidays and deadlines. Note that all sections of PHYS 206 write a comprehensive exam the evening of Fri Apr 29 (6:00–9:00 pm). Therefore nosotros will not exist having a final test during finals week.
Sail: Texas A&1000'due south centralized learning management system.

Academic Integrity Statement and Policy

"An Aggie does non lie, cheat or steal, or tolerate those who practise."

"Texas A&Chiliad Academy students are responsible for authenticating all work submitted to an instructor. If asked, students must be able to produce proof that the item submitted is indeed the work of that student. Students must continue appropriate records at all times. The inability to authenticate one'south piece of work, should the instructor request information technology, may be sufficient grounds to initiate an academic misconduct case" (Section xx.1.two.3, Student Rule 20).

You can larn more about the Aggie Honor Arrangement Role Rules and Procedures, academic integrity, and your rights and responsibilities at aggiehonor.tamu.edu.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Policy Statement

Texas A&M University is committed to providing equitable access to learning opportunities for all students. If you experience barriers to your education due to a disability or think you lot may have a inability, please contact Disability Resources in the Student Services Building or at (979) 845-1637 or visit disability.tamu.edu. Disabilities may include, only are not limited to attentional, learning, mental health, sensory, physical, or chronic health weather. All students are encouraged to discuss their disability related needs with Disability Resource and their instructors as soon equally possible.

Title IX and Statement on Limits to Confidentiality

Texas A&Thou University is committed to fostering a learning surroundings that is safe and productive for all. University policies and federal and state laws prohibit gender-based discrimination and sexual harassment, including sexual assault, sexual exploitation, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking.

With the exception of some medical and mental health providers, all university employees (including full and function-time faculty, staff, paid graduate administration, student workers, etc.) are Mandatory Reporters and must report to the Title Ix Part if the employee experiences, observes, or becomes aware of an incident that meets the following atmospheric condition (meet University Rule 08.01.01.M1):

  • The incident is reasonably believed to be discrimination or harassment.
  • The incident is alleged to accept been committed by or against a person who, at the time of the incident, was (1) a student enrolled at the University or (2) an employee of the Academy.

Mandatory Reporters must file a written report regardless of how the information comes to their attention – including simply not limited to contiguous conversations, a written grade consignment or paper, grade discussion, electronic mail, text, or social media post. Although Mandatory Reporters must file a study, in most instances, you will be able to control how the report is handled, including whether or non to pursue a formal investigation. The University'south goal is to make sure you lot are aware of the range of options available to you and to ensure access to the resources you lot demand.

Students wishing to talk over concerns in a confidential setting are encouraged to make an engagement with Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS).

Students can learn more nearly filing a report, accessing supportive resources, and navigating the Title Ix investigation and resolution procedure on the University's Championship 9 webpage.

Statement on Mental Health and Health

Texas A&M University recognizes that mental health and wellness are disquisitional factors that influence a student'due south academic success and overall wellbeing. Students are encouraged to appoint in proper cocky-intendance by utilizing the resources and services available from Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS). Students who need someone to talk to can telephone call the TAMU Helpline (979-845-2700) from 4:00 p.m. to viii:00 a.chiliad. weekdays and 24 hours on weekends. 24-60 minutes emergency help is as well available through the National Suicide Prevention Hotline (800-273-8255) or at suicidepreventionlifeline.org.


Source: https://mechanics.physics.tamu.edu/

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